Global interest rates remain at
extremely low levels, with much of the developed world running highly negative
real interest rates (interest rates below the inflation rate). While central
bankers usually signal to the market that future interest rate decisions will
be determined by the progression of inflation and growth, Ben Bernanke has
taken the highly unorthodox step of setting a time period for which the Fed
Funds rate will remain low. He has promised to keep rates near zero until mid
2013. This hard cap on US rates will serve to suppress interest rates globally.
Despite the low level of global interest rates, growth concerns have recently
led to rate cuts in Europe, Brazil ,
and Australia .
For South Africa to run a
relatively high level of rates in this environment, risks provoking Rand strength and stalling the weak economic recovery.
The last MPC meeting contained a
very dovish statement by the MPC, and it was clear from comments made by Governor
Gill Marcus that, save for the extreme market volatility and Rand depreciation
that was occurring throughout their deliberations, the MPC would have cut rates
on growth concerns. While we haven’t seen the Reserve Bank’s updated inflation
projections, they are no doubt aware that the Rand
depreciation has increased the risks to the upside. While inflation is
currently below the target at 5,7%, it is projected to breach the target when
November’s inflation data is released next month. This means that when the MPC
meets in 2012, inflation will in all likelihood be above the 6% target, with a
deteriorated outlook. If the MPC cuts rates while inflation is above 6%, it
would serve to damage some of the inflation fighting credibility that has been
painstakingly built up over many years. While many have pushed their rate cut
projections out to next year, we believe that developments in inflation will
soon shut the door on cuts. If the Reserve Bank does intend to cut rates to
support the economic recovery, the November MPC meeting presents their last
credible opportunity to do so.
Rashaad Tayob